Welcome to the Island Trunk System Web Site.
This is your gateway to an exclusive look at the inner workings of an Amateur Radio repeater trunk system.
Click map to see where our visitors are.
User Operation
Many hams have put a lot of time, effort and funds into maintaining this system and are proud of it. They would really appreciate it if it was used according to the regulations and in a respectful way during night time hours and low solar charging seasons. 90% of it is fully off grid and relies on batteries and solar power.
Ways you can help respect the system:
Please identify your station property as per regulations:
The operator of an amateur station in Canada shall identify the station by transmitting the assigned call sign.
BC Boaters Net
The 2024 Boaters net will be active July 5 until August 29
For more information, please go to http://www.bcbn.ca/.
Monday Night Island Trunk System Net
There is a weekly a net on the ITS every Monday evening at 8 PM. Everyone is more than welcome to participate in this social net.
Using The ITS For Events or Nets
Please contact the ITS group prior to using the system for any event, net or simulated emergency test.
Newcastle Ridge web cams
There is a web cam on top of Newcastle Ridge that is linked on 5.8 Ghz broadband back to Lost Lake Nanaimo and Comox. The distance between Newcastle Ridge (Sayward) and Nanaimo is 206 Km. A good shot on 5.8 Gigs.
This is a highly experimental project and may not be available at all times
-Camera 1
Username: guest
Password: Its/1467
-Camera 2
-Repeater Cam
Username: guest
Password: ve7rnc
Thanks to Gord VE7UY
Commercial Messages or Traffic
Be advised that commercial traffic is not allowed on the amateur bands.
New ITS Repeater in Tofino
A new VHF repeater has been installed in Tofino and connected to the Island Trunk System. The 146.880 repeater requires a 141.3 pl tone and will be continuously connected to the ITS.
Some pictures of the repeater http://www.ve7na.ca/gallery/albums/its-repeaters/Tofino
Emergency Management BC (EMBC) Weekly Net
A Vancouver Island Region Emergency Radio Net will be held on the Island Trunk system at 19:15 each Wednesday evening.